
Thursday, September 24, 2009

I really miss Harry. It's easy to get distracted when there are mice and dirty floors and scraped knees and bills to be paid and runny noses, and sick children and phones ringing and e-mails to answer.  But there's a deep part of me that still hurts. I miss him.  And when things are quiet, he is who I think about. I hope he's okay.  What I would give for just one squeeze.  One kiss on the cheek.  God, let him feel loved right now where ever he is. Give me some sign that this is right.  Can something that hurts so much still be right?  Let us hope so.  It's hard sometimes, isn't it? Love.  The world. Trying to be zen and patient and loving and trusting that everything is okay and as it should be and the world will be just fine and so will all the children in it and the animals and the trees and rivers and so will all of the people that I love and care about. 

I was just paying attention to my thoughts tonight as I was drifting off to sleep and when I went to write them down I found this little poem tucked away in my notebook.

You and me.
We fall asleep every night.
Snuggled close together,
You insist on being held close against my chest.
You hold me so so tight and I can't move you
Until finally– finally your eyes close and you drift
far far away
To that place
of peaceful sleep
and breathing deep
resting with all of the goodness and love in the world.
And when I know you're there.
I put you on your side of the bed and I say
"good night" and then I fall asleep too.
And I meet you there
In that place where dreams are.

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