Second Annual Kopila Cup

Friday, June 28, 2019

At first glance, it would be impossible to tell that this year’s Kopila Cup was only the second in Kopila history! Next to the bar and peepal trees that provide refuge from the hot summer sun to dozens of people every day, sits our large field that hosted this year’s events. Every day hundreds of people gathered to watch the day’s games, one in the morning and two in the evening. The tournament consisted of 20 boys' teams from 19 different schools, and five girls' teams from five different schools. 

Kopila Cup Game

Our Kopila teams opened and closed the tournament with the crowd cheering for their success every game. First, the boys' A team played, experiencing a devastating loss when the game went into a penalty shootout. The next day our girls' team played, drawing out the crowds for the second night in a row. The girls' team advanced that night and every game after to eventually become the champions of the girls' tournament. Our boys' B team was also victorious after their first game but came in runner-up during the final game of the tournament.

Kopila Cup sunset

Regardless of what team was playing, boys or girls, Kopila or another Surkhet school, the community came out every night because of their love of the game and to support the local school children. Men, women, and children of all ages surrounded the field, perched under the large trees and on rooftops to watch two weeks of games. 

Kopila Cup dance

We’re so proud to be able to create a space for students to demonstrate and develop their skills with some healthy competition. Not only is the Kopila Cup a space for student athletes to shine, but our Kopila students put on dances at both the opening and closing ceremonies. Despite having witnessed an exciting win or harrowing loss, the audience was captivated by the traditional Nepali dances and modern break dances they performed. We’re happy for our students to be able to blow off steam after long days of learning, knowing they are supported by their neighbors and classmates.



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