Love Letter #51

Monday, April 27, 2020

Dear little K,

Giggles are all I hear when I think of you. Your giggle is so contagious and almost non-stop. I love how you look after your brothers, H and Y.  For your young age you are so grown up, respectful, and thoughtful. You always ask other people how they are doing. You are driven and dedicated when it comes to your interests, learning English, dance, math, academics, and even showing affection. You are really good at making us all feel loved and happy.  Your joy is so contagious. Your giggle brings giggles to us all, even when we're not sure why you're even laughing. You do your homework, listen to your teachers, and I honestly can't think of many times you've gotten in trouble. You're understanding, quick to apologize and forgive, quick to laugh. Never lose these things about you. I'm so proud of the young woman you are growing into.  Thank you for joining us here in this home and bringing all the sunshine.


Maggie Mom

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