Saturday, May 18, 2019

Dear MK,

At last, it’s time for your love letter.  I apologize it took so long. I suppose I struggle to put YOU into words.  You are so unique, so special, so wise, so shy.

Last week when I got the flu, I was so sick that I could hardly move and lay in bed wincing and tossing and turning. The day went by and you kept coming in to check on me.  "Mom, you need to eat," you said the first time, but I couldn’t. Then you came again later in the afternoon. "Mom, you should really eat," you said again. The third time you came it was the night and I still hadn’t eaten. “MOM! You aren’t going to get better unless you eat. I’m going downstairs and getting soup right now and you will eat it.” Sure enough, you came up with Sachyam and all of your sisters. You brought grapes and pomegranate seeds, a bowl of chicken soup, and a thermos full of tea. I felt almost instantly better. You were right, I needed to eat and I’m really grateful I had you checking in on me.  

You care so much for others and have so much concern for me. When you want to do something, you work so hard for it. You continue to impress me with your report cards and at the rate you are going, you are unstoppable. ALSO, your singing voice. Can you please sing more? You have the most beautiful voice I have ever heard. Please gain the confidence to sing more.

I love you so much and if I don’t say it enough, I’m sorry.  I am so so glad you are in our family. Thank you for the many ways in which you take care of all of us.

Love you,




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