On Growing Older

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I'm noticing these days how fast they're all growing up.  We used to live in a house of six and seven year and eight years olds and suddenly many of them are eight, nine, and ten.  They love drawing, and playing games, listening to music, hanging out and talking with each other.  They suddenly care more about how they look, how they dress, how they present themselves and how they do in school.  I'm needing less and less to remind them to bathe and trim their fingernails, brush their teeth and wash their hands and faces.  They have friends at school and around town that stop by to work on school projects and practice dance routines.  I'm enjoying listening to their conversations with each other, how they're learning to express themselves.  They have ideas and opinions and a lot to say. I'm enjoying it very much actually; this new stage of their lives that they're emerging into altogether.  I mostly love how they look out for each other.  What we have here is special and I feel grateful.

Don't get me wrong, I have my worries.  S is shy in school and doesn't talk or participate much.  R is frustrated as an 11-year-old having to be in Kindergarten while she learns the basics.  M has behavioral issues and throws daily temper tantrums.  She curses like a truck driver when she's upset.  K is still wetting the bed at night and B has a hard time making friends in school.  But we're a family and we're working through these things together. I have to take things a day at a time and trust that things will turn out okay.  And at the end of the day, if their bellies are full and they feel safe and loved, then I feel like I've accomplished something

Some of them are sitting here with me now on my bed and on the carpet.  It's a cool quiet night.  They're making cards for their teachers and principal for tomorrow.  It's the last day of school before a long one month holiday for Dashain, the biggest Nepali festival of the year.

They really are growing up so fast.  I'm looking forward to the extra time we're going to have together this month.

*UPDATE: Just about 5 minutes after I posted, little N slipped in the bathroom and sliced her chin open.  Emergency room and 6 stitches tonight!  Things can go from super mellow and calm to hectic in a split second here.  I'd like to add to this post that I also feel grateful for the medic that stitched N's chin shut tonight and the police that were out on the streets keeping them safe and of course my new little scooter that got us to the hospital safe and sound.

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