Chungi Chungi Everywhere

Monday, January 23, 2012

This is called a chungi.  It's the kids favorite game right now that has single handedly taken over our entire school– or the playground at least.  I remember it being the same when I was little: pogs and then beanie babies and then tamagachis. One thing after the other. It's funny how universal fads are.  You just wake up one morning and everybody's doing it. Here there's been action hero cards, and jacks, marbles, and jump rope. Now's it's just chungi chungi everywhere. This little contraption is the Nepali version of the hackey sack. The kids make them from old bike tires by cutting them into rubber bands and tying them with a string. They are obsessed! They compete see how many times they can kick it in the air with their feet or pass them back and forth between friends. I seriously saw a 5th grade girls get about 60 in a row the other day.  I can barely do three. It's getting so obsessive that we may have to outlaw them at school because they're playing during class and gambling with them. Oh dear.

What's in right now with kids where you live? I remember the kids I babysat for being into webkinz and pokeman cards.  But it's been a while since I've babysat. I'd love to know and share with our kids.


So impressive!

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